Zoreiah / Planting (I)


Melacha / Activity:  Zoreiah* / Planting

Definition: Any activity that initiates or improves plant growth. Examples include sowing, planting, watering, trimming trees, pruning, weeding, grafting, extending trees**.

Zoreiah in the Mishkan: The first eleven shabbat activities were needed in the Mishkan in order to produce dyes to color the tapestries in the Mishkan***. The dyes were derived from plants and herbs that were grown for this purpose. 

According to others**** the first eleven activities were needed to produce the Lechem Hapanim (Showbread) and other meal offerings brought in the Mishkan.

The act of planting is considered done as soon as one put the seed in the ground even though the growth process has not started.

Where: Zoreiah can only be transgressed in a place where it is possible for the seed to grow. 

  1. Even if one has no intention to cause growth, if a seed is dropped in a placed where it will grow, that is Zoreiah.*****

  2. Dropping a seed in a path where people walk is not a violation of Zoreiah as the foot traffic will prevent the seed from taking root.

  3. Dropping a see in a place where growth is not possible (desert (no rain), asphalt, concrete) is not a violation of Zoreiah as vegetation is not possible under those conditions. 

Application:  When eating outside care should be taken not to drop pits, seeds, cores etc. on the ground where growth is possible. 

* Zoreiah / Planting is the first shabbat activity mentioned in the Mishna (shabbat 73), even though in the agricultural order plowing comes first. Plowing is mentioned second to teach that plowing, even if done after planting is prohibited. Rambam follows the agricultural order.
**Taking a branch from an existing vine or tree and, without severing it from its source, burying it in the ground. In this manner, it would sprout roots, and ultimately a new plant would grow from this base.
***This is Rashi’s view
***** This is called a “Psik Reisha” , an inevitable event. One is liable for such activity even if one had no intention of fulfilling the act.
