Moving Potted Plants On Shabbat (Zoreia V)

 What is the status of potted plants and their relation to the Melacha of Zoreia?

Flower pots with holes and flower pots without holes are, in some cases treated the same and in some cases treated differently.

Whether there are holes in the pot or not, leaves / flowers / stems may not be removed on shabbat. Of course, planting in a flower  pot on shabbat is forbidden. Additionally, if the contents of a flower pot spilled out of the pot, they cannot be returned to the pot on shabbat. 

A pot with holes on the bottom

  1. One may not lift it off the ground (earth / grass) on shabbat. Since the pot derives nourishment from the ground, lifting it up would be a violation of the prohibition of Kotzer (harvesting).

  2. One may not put a pot with holes in it on ground that can provide nourishment on shabbat as that would be a violation of Zoreia (planting) 

A pot without holes on the bottom

  1. An earthenware or wooden flower pot may not be lifted from the ground (earth / grass) on shabbat as this would be a violation of Kotzer.

  2. If the pot itself, the bottom of the pot or the tray is made of plastic, glass or a similar materials (not earthenware of wood) then the pot can be lifted up from the ground.

  3. If the pot (even an earthenware or wooden one) is on solid flooring one may lift the pot. 

But wait, isn’t the pot Muktzah on Shabbat? There is debate as to the status of a flower pot. Bottom line, if it is a pot that one normally moves, then it can be moved on shabbat. 
