Adding Light For Potted Plants (Zoreia IV)

While we normally think of planting as an outdoor activity, Zoreia can also take place indoors. For example,

  1. One cannot plant seeds or flowers in a flower pot indoors on shabbat.

  2. One may not water or fertilize indoor plants on shabbat.

Since these action improve the growth of the plant / seed they fall under the category of Zoreia

Opening Curtains...

Opening curtains for the express purpose of improving the growth of houseplants is a violation of Zoreia. This prohibition only applies if that is one’s intention If one opens the curtains in order to brighten the room. Even though the light will definitely improve the plants (Psik Reisha), since it is indirect (Grama) it is permitted.

The same considerations apply to opening a window i.e. is it being done to provide air to those in the room or is it being done specifically for the plants. 
